
Thursday, May 31, 2007


These "Blazin' Buffalo Ranch' Doritos or as I call them "Dorties" are the BOMB.... they aren't spicy enough though, I just like the combination of flavors.
posted by John at 10:18 AM 4 comments

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Thank You soldiers, The American people thank you for your sacrifices and hope the best.

posted by John at 12:48 PM 3 comments

Bad at thinking of titles.

It's true... half of them are the same title.

Went to bed at 1:30 last night (Technically this morning)... and woke up at 9:30 to my Dad calling me to resume fixing his computer. The hard/annoying part is finished, I configured the RAID controller to "RAID 1". I have a break at the moment, because it's importing the PST file into outlook. I was considering installing vista on his computer, but there are way to many bugs in it.

I've been playing CSS very poorly lately... my rank fell from 5 to 42 out of 60000 and I'm averaging a mere 2-1 KDR (Kill Death Ratio) sometimes a 3-1. I forgot to ask my CAL team who won the match on Monday, although I think we won.

Our pool is close to being opened for the summer, yay! From working out I can tell a major Difference... Brace yourself Eric, I'm comin' for ya.

I haven't been socializing with people for a while just because the way life is, gotta deal with it and let it slide that that month of may 2007 wasn't very cheerful (some things were great though). Looking forward to the events of this month, maybe it'll be a little brighter.
posted by John at 11:29 AM 6 comments

Sunday, May 27, 2007

This is a commercial for Xbox 360 (hilarious)

posted by John at 10:54 PM 5 comments


Finally opening our pool, yay! in ground with a 9 ft deep, deep end.

Very comfortable with the 15 pound dumbell, going to step it up to a 20 pounder, whenever I get to the store. pushups I'm still at 40, but I find myself getting there much more comfortably, tomorrow I'm going to do 5 more and then the day after 5 more ETC.

Been taking measurements around the house for the addition we're getting, I'm going to be partly designing it with an architect/friend my dad knows, going to be interesting.

didn't get to do b-ball Friday, but planning it for some future Fridays... Maybe a time that the HSG doesn't have youth group to get as many people as possible, if people wanted to show up. AFTER kickball :)

~Tato out
posted by John at 4:51 PM 2 comments

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Oh my, look at the time... I probably should head to bed. I'll be around tomorrow and Monday, three day weekend. Feel free to Meebo me.
posted by John at 12:49 AM 0 comments

A lot is going on

Too much to deal with, Sometimes I wish people would jump into reality instead of pinpointing things that could happened. I think that family members are the only people that can really bug me, on the other hand if they didn't bug me we wouldn't be close enough, Maybe on my imaginary third hand I'm getting bugged to easily. I wish people wouldn't make you feel bad for growing up, and start realizing it's gotta happen. Maybe correct you when you're wrong, but not intentionally look out for it to prove a point.

So I'm annoyed, I'm allowed to post about it once and a while. You'll be happy to know Christine, that I didn't yell, nor talk for that matter.
posted by John at 12:33 AM 0 comments


If I keep changing the song thats on this page everyday, I'll be done my Celtic woman Album. I need some suggestions ahead of time! I guess I have another Album laying around my hard drive somewhere, I just have to look through 550 Gigabytes of stuff. Gahhhh
posted by John at 12:30 AM 3 comments

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hectic day

Still tired and Woozy,

In the morning got up and started working on Dads computer, I'm officially starting to hate USB, although there technically isn't anything wrong with the Devices... it's just not plugged in and behind the back of my dads computer is a maze of wires and it's taking me forever to figure out where the head of the cable is, trust me... reading this must make you think I'm lazy, but the back of that computer desk is honestly a maze, it's also hard to reach.

Noon time came blogged a bit, Worked out... then Dad calls me up from Grandparents house next door and says "The tires flat, come and fill it" Garg ._.* Right when I'm about to leave I get a call from our Car mechanic, "My computer isn't working, What do I do?" (Paraphrasing) I told him numerous times over the phone to 'Press the restart button' . I then head over to my grandparents house, fill the tire and then ask my Dad how I'll go over there to fix his computer... Dad took me, I got there pressed the restart button and Yurika! it worked!

Afternoon came, and yesterday I had promised my grandfather I'd try my best to come help him uproot a dead tree and replace it with a fig tree. Today is also trash day, so I took their trash down.

Evening I was beat... so I sat down to 5 CAL Counter strike source matches, my team won 4 and lost 1, CAL stands for "Cyberathlete Amateure League" that one match we lost was stupid, because the other team was Hacking. Hacking meaning : Modifying the game to know/do things you're not supposed to know/do, such as seeing through walls knowing enemy positions, being able to see through smoke grenades, a mini map of where all the enemy's are and when your gun is pointed at an enemy to Automatically shoot giving them the perfect response time.

Just took our trash down, and am still tired... Probably gonna go do some crunches pushups and curls before I take a shower and eventually go to bed.

posted by John at 11:51 PM 5 comments

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Change or keep?

Should I keep this song on for another day? or change it this morning? Gotta tell me ASAP. :)
posted by John at 11:15 PM 16 comments


Wootzorz go Jordin! yay! you win! I guess your girl won Mrs b :) I can see why you guys wanted Sanjaya off, For crying out loud he doesn't even look good, he 'Sings' like he's got a soar throat. I'm not going to comment on what I thought of the show, or the singing(bad or good) but I said I'd Congratulate Jordin and I'm doing just that :)

posted by John at 10:12 PM 3 comments


Sisters are done school for the semester, they have off while I still have school, I'm envious. Schools been busy as well as helping my grandfather with yard work, people complain that I don't do any work around the house, thats because I invest a lot of my time making sure that my grandfathers flowers and garden stay healthy. I got a new B-ball outfit... I'll probably wear it to kickball too, I've realized the comfortable(ness) of sleeveless. Mom made mac&cheese topped off nicely with poweraid and a fruit snacks pack. Been busy fixing my Fathers computer, the screwy USB ports are SO flaky I probably need to install new drivers and/or replace the hub. Got a new Logitech Pro Gaming headset at the computer show. I watch the last episode of heroes online yesterday, I don't like how they ended it... I don't get how Petrellis mom and Linderman had anything to do with the bomb and what their point of blowing up new york city was, that show is starting to bug me on how random and hard to follow it is, I need to find a new show.

I'm off to watch American Idol to know who I'm Wootzorz(ing)/Woo hooing or Boo hooing. Peace Guys.
posted by John at 8:08 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Pumping Iron"/Jogging and Pushups

Yes, I've finally gotten back into it. yesterday Sarah and I went to target and picked up a 15 pounder dumbbell, to start it off nice and easy I'm going to slowly work my way up and reach my goal at the end of the year to be able to curl 40 pounds. I feel like I'm slacking on push ups (really), 3 years ago I could do 100 now I can only do 40 I gotta by the end of the year be able to do 100 again. Jogging wasn't something I do a lot, I just need my 'Pesky' sister Christine to come over ;D
I don't really work out much in the winter, the most I do is snow blowing with our 11 HP 4 stroke. for activity's only German dodge ball downstairs at the church. Now I've got Kickball starting back Up with the HSG at the beginning of June , Basketball ( for all who wish to come) Helping my grandfather around the yard, and most of all! when the Pool gets opened Swimming! yay!
posted by John at 9:29 AM 5 comments

Saturday, May 19, 2007


I'm very confident that the types of music people listen to, express a part of his or her personality. Thats why I've decided to embed a Music player with the types of music I enjoy. There are some things that I wouldn't put, only because people might not agree with the style of it.
posted by John at 12:07 AM 0 comments

Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm trying

To find a song that doesn't start out with a 'BANG' if you will, so that people are prepared that something is going to play. I will find something though.
posted by John at 11:13 PM 0 comments

Streaming Audio to blog

First things first... create an account on http://reg.supload.com/users.php?sup=Login

and then you'll see at the upper lefthand side of the screen a place that will say "Upload, Video's, 'Music'" click on Music. upload the file you want to put, once you finish you'll see a link that it gives you, we'll need to apply this to the HTML code as you'll see here http://www.nunzioweb.com/streaming_audio-example.htm and scroll to the bottom where you'll see the HTML code. See where it says "http://www.domain.com/music/music.m3u" Take the link that Supload gives you and copy it over the link between the Quotation marks. and then you'll see again "http://www.domain.com/music/music.m3u" do the same thing and copy that link that supload gives you and replace the Link between the quotation marks. once you finish with the code and it links to the place you want, add a "Page Element" to your blog then click on the HTML coding, add the code that we just worked with... and you're all set.

I would of added the HTML code here, but it was being stupid and thinking I wanted it to use it on the post... long story
posted by John at 12:52 PM 4 comments

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Playing with HTML

Do you guys mind telling me if the music starts playing when you enter the website? thanks.
posted by John at 11:00 PM 7 comments

HSG meeting.

Hello everybody :) Today has been a very cool day, school went nicely, had the pleasure making tabbouleh, and went to a HSG meeting!

The HSG is quite an encouragement it's great to see people my age that are talkative.
Amie Roberge (spelling?) was the center of attention, congratulations to her for graduating high school. I havn't gotten a chance to talk to her but she seems very cool and I wish her the best for the years to come. The food/snacks were good ^-^ I was hovering around the table until we decided to play soldier. the first game Sophie was the Queen and picked me (Wootzorz!) and Meghan to be her guards, Meghan stayed back and gaurded Sophie while I ran and tagged the rest out. The second game, Meghan was the queen and Rachel and Cassie were guards? (correct me if I'm wrong please.) well anyways Molly Aaron Sophie and I decided to rush them and in all the chaos I'm trying to figure out which one is the queen, Sophie did a great job going up front of the mob holding the all off while Aaron and I were prepared to dash in when suddenly Meghan runs into me GAME OVER LOL! I had a great time!
posted by John at 9:45 PM 6 comments

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One of Monty python's better skits

Title says it all..

posted by John at 3:11 PM 4 comments

Monday, May 14, 2007

Muddled thought

I've been realizing recently that my manners haven't been quite right, I find myself making jabby comments and getting in peoples face... I honestly try not to, I'm not sure why or how it happens.


posted by John at 11:33 PM 2 comments


Today My Dad, Mom, Karen and I went to a Fishways place up in Manchester. Very cool information, and the tour guide was a pleasant one. Above is the Group pic that my camera got.

We also went and got Tabbouleh ingredients, we'll make it Wednesday. If it wasn't requested my parents would never have gone to the store for ingredients, yay!
posted by John at 4:14 PM 3 comments

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ahead of time...

For all you mothers, Happy Mothers Day!!!. I know I'm early but in case I didn't get a chance to post tomorrow.
posted by John at 11:33 AM 4 comments

Sunday, May 6, 2007

A thought...

Never put a Paper clip in my area, I have the horrible habit of always bending them...
posted by John at 9:07 AM 4 comments

Friday, May 4, 2007


B-Ball again today at 6:00!
posted by John at 10:27 AM 0 comments