
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Post? apparently.

I apologize for my absence, things have been going on over here less then appreciated you could say. Finding out somebody you look up to has flaws isn't always easy, not quite sure how that affected me so, strongly. It doesn't matter how old you get, or how much authority you have, you're still accountable to people, even the old people are too. Figuring myself out here! Gosh, give me a break. :) Interestingly enough, I've kept this to myself. My sisters wouldn't want to hear any of it, they like to talk about their problems, I guess thats what I'm good for, listening. My quiet self. I need to make myself more known? do people come to me and talk? Why am I apparently interesting? Or not, considering the fact that as soon as theres an opening, they jump to another guy. Ignoring me? Ugh.

I woke up this morning and took a shower, immediately after I came out of the bathroom, my dad rushes me to come see this math program, then they started talking about wildlife, and then even family's and Chinese cultures. All in 10 minutes!

What I failed to mention is this was Sesame street, they were talking about the number 2. (math)

Mr Noodle makes me shiver, he's so... Ugh. Anywho, I was sitting there watching, and I could feel my brain O_oing. Yeah thats right, o.Oing.

Posting about it again, but hey. That group I joined not too long ago "FuSioN" was very... Un-involved. We'd go into a match without any practice, because the leader was always playing this other game. Blah blah blah. So me and another dude decided to make our own clan called "`eVisCeraTe*." Meaning "To take without will" (something along those lines) aka BOOM!! So yes, I'm a group leader now. I hope it'll be good. Cheers to next season, At the moment we're forming a group and getting our practice in.

Der Der Der. Apparently I'm Sort of back.

I sound like a girl in this post, tee hee. :D jk
posted by John at 11:12 AM 4 comments

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

bah, sorry.

The last break from blogging wasn't good enough. I need another break. sorry.
posted by John at 10:47 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Yesterday I had my walking cast off.

Woke up at like 6:30 when the night before I went to bed at like 1:30am. Sliped over to the hospital waited for like 5 minutes in the waiting room, and then off to the cast room. I honestly had no clue about what was going on or whatever.

Cast room: Saw the same dude, that put my walking cast on he was nice and remembered me, and the nurse, Kristen. The "dude" got the cast off with a saw, the way it works is kind of cool acually, It's pressurized and vibrates to cut the fiberglass of the cast. Once the cast was off I looked at my leg, the atrophy of this 6 week time period is incredible, my leg looks like a "Toothpick" compared to my other. ( Pictures soon)

After the cast came off we hopped over to the X-ray, took an shot of my Ankle then back to the cast room for the Nurse to review as well as the Doctor. It's healing well as they both say, but it still is definitely broken and needs to go into an easier to manage cast called an "Air cast". The Air cast is a removable cast for whenever I want or need to remove it, may it be for a shower, bed or just chilling at home. Although, if I go places they said I need to wear this "Robocop " looking leg accessory for 3 weeks. (Bleechhh)

Last night I had a Counter strike match, my team won 20-10. Now we are 3-1 in the season. (That 1 game is a game I missed out on.) My new clan/group is called "FuSioN" Check out this page on the CAL website, for team Info.

School is where it needs to be, but I'm already ready for a break. Trudging through it, going to my Dads stupid office tomorrow.
posted by John at 4:49 PM 5 comments

From my lookout.

From my lookout I've seen too many grudges being held, not just at me, but by Brothers and Sisters In Christ. Yes, the bible states forgive those who hurt you. Even if somebody doesn't apologize directly, truth is everybody screws up and if you hold it against them that friendship will be broken and slowly diminish. The Journey of every trial in your life starts with the first step, Grow up, resume talking to that individual or party and learn to forget. I'm not a harsh person, but I can be to try and snap people out of their juvenile behavior.

Everybody, Slap yourselves, wash your face, run into a tree a few time with you car, whatever if it I really don't care. I haven't said much only because it's not totally my place.
Until it involves me.

Not talking to anybody in specific just mentioning because I see too much of it.
posted by John at 4:13 PM 0 comments

Sunday, October 14, 2007

For now

I'm done blogging for little while. I'm not throwing a fit about anything, I just need a break from the computer.
posted by John at 2:56 PM 1 comments

Thursday, October 11, 2007


What you've all been waiting for! (or what I've been waiting to post, either one :) I put a good share of time setting the clips and music to be timed correctly, it's not perfect. But give it a spin and let me know what you think, if you can't follow what I'm doing, or if it's too fast for you to see. let me know I'll explain a little about it to you.

(The music was the only thing that fit the video)

Keep in mind ALL Of the people in game that I took down were just like me and played from their computer. >:D

posted by John at 3:43 PM 8 comments

Monday, October 8, 2007


Sorry, just recently I just haven't had anything to post about. You could call it a "Writers block" although I'm not an author of anything. I've been at the computer and all (Meebo is giving me trouble again, I'm too lazy to fix it.(it might also be Meebo's server is faulty)).

I have some things going on in my life, it's not totally as boring as some people might assume. Most of it is just not postable material, the things I think and do aren't always things I'd like to write about. Recently I've gone back to my normal self, Or "Home" I frequently feel like I'm living in two different places Mentally. My normal self not being too talkative, and only talking if looked for. Alone as it would seem. With no real reason to be a blabbermouth, however "insightful" my blabbing may come across. Relaxed, carefree. My little home is still the way I've left it from the beginning of this summer. It will be inhabited for the next few years, or more (Maybe).

posted by John at 8:21 PM 4 comments

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tomorrow is:

Church (With Snacks :D and Sunday school after)

Football ( I gotta see what everybody is so hyped up about.)

BoRing otherwise.

Food :D *pats tummy*

Dunno what else :| cause it hasn't happened yet, hah.
posted by John at 5:20 PM 4 comments

Friday, October 5, 2007


here's a video that was taken after our first B-ball game of the season, everybody was having a great time. Just bein stupid lol

This was taken like 2 months ago, but you can also see how Nutcase Christine is :D

Christine and Nick get along so well. :P

Thanks to Rachel for taking it.

And then here's Eric debating with my dad as always...

posted by John at 10:04 PM 4 comments

Thursday, October 4, 2007

*sniff sniff*

Something I was thinking, you can tell you smell really bad once you see flies flying around you. Whoopsies :D

An interesting thing happened to me yesterday. Most of you know I play with a group of online people with counter strike mainly, and sometimes other games. one of the people in my "Clan" hates me he says I'm "Annoying" and would do anything to get me kicked out. Secretly he decided to start recording my game play from a spectator position, and finally he caught me playing at my absolute best. I went something like 40 kills and 1 death. Anywho, after a while he finally decided that the way he'll get me banned from the group is to send this recording into one of the guys in charge. One little problem here, this guy is in charge of the BATTLEFEILD 2 division of the clan and has not played counter strike in I don't know how long. Therefore he accused anything "suspicious" game play such as cheating and whatever right on the spot. AKA he wanted me out of the group. As of yesterday I was kicked out for "hacking", honestly I'll say this once, I'm too good for them, I really am. a bunch of the people like me and are trying to get me back in, or a few at least. even the head guy likes me, but he's not going to step over another person in charge say.

It doesn't look very hopeful of me getting back. But hey, it's the way life rolls gotta deal with the obnoxiously stupid/moronic people once and a while.

I've also come down with a cold as of two nights ago. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate stuffy noses? Sore throats, slight headaches do nothing to me, Just the stuffy noses *shivers*.
posted by John at 8:40 AM 5 comments