Friday, March 30, 2007
Just got back from Blading at "Roll A Kingdom" had a blast, not sure I'd do it again though, cause it's where all those punks hang out chillin with their BF/Gf especsially the girls and their Seductive clothing and too much Contact with their BF junk, meh. Wish some of you HSers were there, good Christian influence. My sisters were there but they had their own friends.
Massive blisters on my feet, and I wore my Sonic shirt, BoOoOoYaahH... Pizza was good ;)
Massive blisters on my feet, and I wore my Sonic shirt, BoOoOoYaahH... Pizza was good ;)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
MYY Spaghettiville picture...
... No wonder...
Hmmm Since like 2 weeks ago, I've been going to my TV at 9:00 Pm on monday Sitting down, and my show isn't on... I'm like.. so I go to the Heroes website and I find they're resuming it on April 23'rd (Only TV I watch besides my video games) There are some people in that show that look like people that I know: That "Claire Bennet" girl and "Nathan petrelli" look like people I know in RL, strange.
So yes, I'm slightly annoyed :(
So yes, I'm slightly annoyed :(
Monday, March 26, 2007
Scavenger hunt
Wow, today was a blast! the fellowship of the people at the HSG is precious, each have their own personality's that make it all so much better! I was in Mrs L's car, although my team came in 3/4 I still had so much fun. I think people should come over to our house in the summer sometime or whatever to play B-Ball.
Thanks again all you people who made todays activity so enjoyable ^-^
Thanks again all you people who made todays activity so enjoyable ^-^
I'm very, Excited? that my cold is finally gone, it was the kind of cold that would just linger on, but the thing I hate, especially with this cold... well, I'll make it easy to understand: Cold=Stuffynose=nosleep=BreathingThroughMouth=Lipsgettingdry
=Apperance of Lipstick... ~_~* For you ladies maybe having a cold is the cheap way of getting lipstick (-the cost of cold medicine)and maybe it looks good, but, lol! I'm Not! I decree! am Not! Wearing Lipstick!
Hmm, Laugh laugh today and be decimated in a game of chess. :P
=Apperance of Lipstick... ~_~* For you ladies maybe having a cold is the cheap way of getting lipstick (-the cost of cold medicine)and maybe it looks good, but, lol! I'm Not! I decree! am Not! Wearing Lipstick!
Hmm, Laugh laugh today and be decimated in a game of chess. :P
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I just watched pirates of the Carribean 2 WOOT, let me just say that it was the WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN! That was the most wasted time... Sitting there... Anticipating will Saving his father... seeing Liz strap Jack sparrow (best character ever) killing him(maybe)... And they're making a new one. Heh... heh heh... I'd like to meet the producers of POTC2... I have a word or two to say to them.
For all you people who liked that movie:
For all you people who liked that movie:

Thursday, March 22, 2007
a fairy tale like you've never heard before
a while back I was given an assighnment to use my imagination and create a story..
I must say this story is quite gruesome and isn't for people with Queezy tummys. also it isn't for people who don't like grammatical errors and possibly misspelled words.. I DID in fact write this 4 years ago. it has a very... very sad story line ;D I also must say that it is very childish humor... and that there is a lot of family humor involved... I did my best to revise it.
A Fairy Tale like you’ve never heard before!
Introduction: This story begins in a place called Disney. This is where the Wicked Witch was hatched, or rather, drawn and put to life. Because she was made much after Bumsky, the Wicked Witch hated her. The one and only thing that would satisfy her is to make her lose her dignity in some way or another.
Once upon a time in land of Zuzu there lived a king that was not fat and not short, but Tall and skinny. The king had two daughters who were named “The Wicked Witch” and “Bumsky” pronounced “Bum-ski” who was the youngest daughter. Bumsky was the loveliest daughter, and had the beauty and charm of a thousand bananas. The Wicked Witch was jealous because Bumsky got all of the attention and was upset because she felt that Bumsky was a nicer name than hers. As The Wicked Witch and Bumsky grew older, The Wicked Witch rebelled against her family and went to Practice Witchcraft and cooking at the University of Zuzu Land. However, Bumsky didn’t need to go to college because she was Princess of the kingdom and did not need to support herself.
One day, while Bumsky was out with one of her boyfriends “Charmin” (who wore the baggy pants), Bumsky asked him if he would marry her. Her Charmin agreed When the day came that Bumsky was to be married, The Wicked Witch wanted to get revenge on her sister, and switched her ring to something that looked like a ring, but was actually a 90,000,000 watt shocker.
*Ding Dong Ding Dong*. The wedding bells rang. “Will you take Bumsky to be your Lovely bride?” Asked the Wedder. “I
Do” replied her fiancée with his baggy tuxedo . “You may now put the ring.” The moment after Bumsky and her groom were married, there was a loud BOOM was heard across the kingdom, and Bumsky was scattered to bits.
Now it was her Husbands job (Newly “Prince Charmin) to revive her Corpse by sprinkling pepper over all the Pieces. Piece Number 1 was very hard to get because it landed on a Foreign Space ship.
The only way prince charmin could get it is to make a Giant Slingshot and Launch
Himself into orbit. While Prince Charmin was considering the details of his mission, he
Set off on a journey to collect Pieces for the giant slingshot. He end out in a Town called
Wal-Mart and found all the pieces that were required to build it. Now he needed
Instructions! He searched almost everywhere Baby’s R Us, Staples and even Home
Depot. But to no Avail he was not able to find them. So he decided to see whether he
could make one on his own when he came to realize that the big Rubber band that he had
Purchased from Wal-Mart had instructions to build it! After days and days of building he
Finally finishes this great creation! By this time bumskys corpes are beginning to smell and
Prince Charmin is trying desperately to find a test subject for him to launch. He Stumbles
Upon a rock that was exactly the same weight as him. The next day he Straps in the Rock,
Pulls back the Rubber band and BLAM That Rock goes flying for, oh, a good 2 feet
And also the slingshot breaks. Prince Charmin is befuddled and then realizes “I bought
These from Wal-Mart, no Wonder it Broke!” so he asks the Townsfolk where he can find
Strong and Durable Pieces to make this giant Slingshot. “I know where” says an old man,
Prince Charmin replies “Where?” “You have to go to the Belly of the Kennedy Space
Center” said the old man, since it was the old days obviously they used giant slingshots to
Go on their space exhibitions. “But there is one thing I must warn you about” said the old man. “Don’t Bother me know Old man, I must go there!” Replied the Prince. As he was on his way He saw a man eating a Big Mac (without mayonnaise). After a long time of Traveling, He finally reached his destination. As he was walking to the front gate, A small piece of debris fell off of a launch that had just taken place and landed on his head almost Unconscious he Spurts out laughing in happiness “This is the place!” He said to himself. He went to talk to the president who was Bill Gates and his Vice President Samuel Walton. He told them about his problem. They both agreed to let him Purchase one of their Slingshots but the price was Extremely High and Price Charmin didn’t know how to pay them. After a few hours past the Price realized that he had the ring that blew up Bumsky and decided to give his plan a go. Once again he went to talk to the president and offered the beautiful ring that he had with him. The president looked at it and was in Awe he thought it was the most beautiful ring he had ever seen. He decided to trade the ring for the Giant Slingshot. It took a few days to return to Zuzu land, but he made it. As he was preparing the Device to launch him, the old man came again saying “There is something I have to warn you about, Oh Price Charmin! If you…..” the Prince Interrupted “Be Quiet old man! Don’t you see I’m Busy?” After a whole month of trying to save Bumsky he was finally ready to do it. He strapped himself in, Put a timer on the Launch “3, 2, 1 And Fire!” The Price was Launched at speeds that have never been seen, He even Ran into a cloud and injured himself. Back on the Ground where All the People of Zuzu Land were watching. The old Man got Everyone’s Attention and said “The Price is going to Die!” Everybody Gasped “I Tried to no Avail to warn him about the Atmosphere!” Everybody was sad and mourned. The End
I must say this story is quite gruesome and isn't for people with Queezy tummys. also it isn't for people who don't like grammatical errors and possibly misspelled words.. I DID in fact write this 4 years ago. it has a very... very sad story line ;D I also must say that it is very childish humor... and that there is a lot of family humor involved... I did my best to revise it.
A Fairy Tale like you’ve never heard before!
Introduction: This story begins in a place called Disney. This is where the Wicked Witch was hatched, or rather, drawn and put to life. Because she was made much after Bumsky, the Wicked Witch hated her. The one and only thing that would satisfy her is to make her lose her dignity in some way or another.
Once upon a time in land of Zuzu there lived a king that was not fat and not short, but Tall and skinny. The king had two daughters who were named “The Wicked Witch” and “Bumsky” pronounced “Bum-ski” who was the youngest daughter. Bumsky was the loveliest daughter, and had the beauty and charm of a thousand bananas. The Wicked Witch was jealous because Bumsky got all of the attention and was upset because she felt that Bumsky was a nicer name than hers. As The Wicked Witch and Bumsky grew older, The Wicked Witch rebelled against her family and went to Practice Witchcraft and cooking at the University of Zuzu Land. However, Bumsky didn’t need to go to college because she was Princess of the kingdom and did not need to support herself.
One day, while Bumsky was out with one of her boyfriends “Charmin” (who wore the baggy pants), Bumsky asked him if he would marry her. Her Charmin agreed When the day came that Bumsky was to be married, The Wicked Witch wanted to get revenge on her sister, and switched her ring to something that looked like a ring, but was actually a 90,000,000 watt shocker.
*Ding Dong Ding Dong*. The wedding bells rang. “Will you take Bumsky to be your Lovely bride?” Asked the Wedder. “I
Do” replied her fiancée with his baggy tuxedo . “You may now put the ring.” The moment after Bumsky and her groom were married, there was a loud BOOM was heard across the kingdom, and Bumsky was scattered to bits.
Now it was her Husbands job (Newly “Prince Charmin) to revive her Corpse by sprinkling pepper over all the Pieces. Piece Number 1 was very hard to get because it landed on a Foreign Space ship.
The only way prince charmin could get it is to make a Giant Slingshot and Launch
Himself into orbit. While Prince Charmin was considering the details of his mission, he
Set off on a journey to collect Pieces for the giant slingshot. He end out in a Town called
Wal-Mart and found all the pieces that were required to build it. Now he needed
Instructions! He searched almost everywhere Baby’s R Us, Staples and even Home
Depot. But to no Avail he was not able to find them. So he decided to see whether he
could make one on his own when he came to realize that the big Rubber band that he had
Purchased from Wal-Mart had instructions to build it! After days and days of building he
Finally finishes this great creation! By this time bumskys corpes are beginning to smell and
Prince Charmin is trying desperately to find a test subject for him to launch. He Stumbles
Upon a rock that was exactly the same weight as him. The next day he Straps in the Rock,
Pulls back the Rubber band and BLAM That Rock goes flying for, oh, a good 2 feet
And also the slingshot breaks. Prince Charmin is befuddled and then realizes “I bought
These from Wal-Mart, no Wonder it Broke!” so he asks the Townsfolk where he can find
Strong and Durable Pieces to make this giant Slingshot. “I know where” says an old man,
Prince Charmin replies “Where?” “You have to go to the Belly of the Kennedy Space
Center” said the old man, since it was the old days obviously they used giant slingshots to
Go on their space exhibitions. “But there is one thing I must warn you about” said the old man. “Don’t Bother me know Old man, I must go there!” Replied the Prince. As he was on his way He saw a man eating a Big Mac (without mayonnaise). After a long time of Traveling, He finally reached his destination. As he was walking to the front gate, A small piece of debris fell off of a launch that had just taken place and landed on his head almost Unconscious he Spurts out laughing in happiness “This is the place!” He said to himself. He went to talk to the president who was Bill Gates and his Vice President Samuel Walton. He told them about his problem. They both agreed to let him Purchase one of their Slingshots but the price was Extremely High and Price Charmin didn’t know how to pay them. After a few hours past the Price realized that he had the ring that blew up Bumsky and decided to give his plan a go. Once again he went to talk to the president and offered the beautiful ring that he had with him. The president looked at it and was in Awe he thought it was the most beautiful ring he had ever seen. He decided to trade the ring for the Giant Slingshot. It took a few days to return to Zuzu land, but he made it. As he was preparing the Device to launch him, the old man came again saying “There is something I have to warn you about, Oh Price Charmin! If you…..” the Prince Interrupted “Be Quiet old man! Don’t you see I’m Busy?” After a whole month of trying to save Bumsky he was finally ready to do it. He strapped himself in, Put a timer on the Launch “3, 2, 1 And Fire!” The Price was Launched at speeds that have never been seen, He even Ran into a cloud and injured himself. Back on the Ground where All the People of Zuzu Land were watching. The old Man got Everyone’s Attention and said “The Price is going to Die!” Everybody Gasped “I Tried to no Avail to warn him about the Atmosphere!” Everybody was sad and mourned. The End
to be continued
I'm going to write about the adventures of "Pink guy" soon... I have a whole collection of his greatest adventures. STAY TUNED
Ahh! Sorry sorry sorry sorry... Have had a really bad cold since friday... couldn't sleep last night, got up every hour and a half to blow my nose. *sniffle*
*stubs toe* *giggle*
I shall now share with you a story from my "My Pictures folder"
the city is being attacked by an Villan!

The Sonic Team has come to save the day!

It Will take more then just them Ladies and Gentlemen! Because Shadow has been shot and turned into stone!

The Swat team arrives

Tanks and Machine guns!

it takes a confused fox! Bugs bunny! and Baby Pee Wee.

To finally take this villan Down... and STOP.. HIM... IN ... HIS...TRACK!!
*stubs toe* *giggle*
I shall now share with you a story from my "My Pictures folder"
the city is being attacked by an Villan!

The Sonic Team has come to save the day!

It Will take more then just them Ladies and Gentlemen! Because Shadow has been shot and turned into stone!

The Swat team arrives

Tanks and Machine guns!

it takes a confused fox! Bugs bunny! and Baby Pee Wee.

To finally take this villan Down... and STOP.. HIM... IN ... HIS...TRACK!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Another little game.
I got a Question for you all... Think about it:
What makes oil boil?
If I type it out it's a lot easier to answer then if I say it in person. I took out some rules of grammar to try making due.
Once I have enough comments I'll reveal the answer.
What makes oil boil?
If I type it out it's a lot easier to answer then if I say it in person. I took out some rules of grammar to try making due.
Once I have enough comments I'll reveal the answer.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Little game
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Sorry for my absence... lot of things going on.
1. Sister had/still has Virus and phemonia. Google is being stupid and isn't correcting me, sorry for the spelling :D
2. have had to write 2 papers. (Ima post one of my joke papers/story later :P)
3. snow :D.
4. I'm Sorry!!!
Well anywho, I've seen so many new posts and I've been inspired to post something.
I'm not a parent so I don't have as many things to write about ;) I'll think of something soon though.
1. Sister had/still has Virus and phemonia. Google is being stupid and isn't correcting me, sorry for the spelling :D
2. have had to write 2 papers. (Ima post one of my joke papers/story later :P)
3. snow :D.
4. I'm Sorry!!!
Well anywho, I've seen so many new posts and I've been inspired to post something.
I'm not a parent so I don't have as many things to write about ;) I'll think of something soon though.