Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Guild wars...
Guild wars is a really cool game... based off mid evil times... a lot like LOTR and very... it being a MMORPG (massively multilayer online roll playing game) you have to work for whatever you get may it be money and/or new weapons... really cool, here's a screen shot. (A game I think you might like Mrs. Eowyn... if you were into games :P)

looks violent.
Nawww.... it's really good! there isn't any blood... I mean ZIP and when you kill a monster they just fall over... if you ever get it... I invest al ot of time in the game.. so I'd be able to help you out :D
Guild wars forever! Oh and you spell it "Medieval"... though it's more just a fantasy era.
lol!! yeah dude... I guess, heh TY FOR commenting!! allways welcome and wanted ^-^
TY for the head's up! If we ever get a (Playstation? GameCube? X-box?) I'll definitely look for that game.
Btw, I came to your site knowing it would make me smile, and it did! Well done!
Hehe, By the way... it's for the computer :)
I'm glad people have been enjoying this site... :) allthough SOME people don't seem to talk/like me very much... not you ;)
Yeah, some people are "lurkers"! They just come by and say nothing. I've become adjusted to the idea, but think it's much more fun when folks leave comments. (Like you, and RW do.) Whole train of thought begun here, because in real life I'm more of a quiet lurker myself, being in a place but not necessarily saying much. Hmmm. . . oh well, maybe your visitors will comment more in time.
When it comes to Blogs... and AIM or Skype... I'm more of a people person... but in RL (real Life) I'm a bum... lol! you can quote me on that if you like :D haha
Lol.. you really otta get skype... it's funny
I love guild wars. My name is Hisaka Ryn in guild wars!
lol I know that :D
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